Teasing The Ex-Boyfriends

A little tease and denial of the ex-boyfriends, anyone? So he gave Me an ultimatum and that’s never a good idea, red flags-a-flying. While he wanted monogamy, I was doing polyandry and it was perfect! Why mess with My perfect happiness? Well he did and certainly I’m not interested in a new lame chapter in an old relationship. So why would I want to get back together? Indeed I don’t, as you must know.
I think Dewayne and Sampson spoke to one another or had a little run in and the seeds of jealousy were planted, deeper. So to begin with his torment, I decided to mention what I did while we were apart…facetimed the other, daily. Thus, that alone triggered more jealousy and hurt. So My next move was critical, I opted to chat him up about why I “might” want to get back together.
I actually chose to stretch the truth and claim I was a bit bored with S while D and I were apart. However, I lead S to believe just the opposite since I had actually broken up with both at the same time! Bored, so much so that I was worried that revisiting an old relationship might bore Me twice as much as I was experiencing with the other. Thus creating that tease, that challenge!
The Tease Thickens
So now both have been at My beck and call for weeks, naturally. Trying to outdo each other at every turn without even realizing it. “Come shopping this weekend? Brunch afterwards?” My response is always,” I want to but I’m still trying to shake free of (the other one) so maybe next weekend.” Consequently, not what either wanted to hear!
So while talking on the phone to either, I play the “I have to go abruptly” card, every, single, time. Foul move on My part but it’s such a turn on for Me. Subsequently, I get goose bumps just thinking about it. Then to add to the madness, I send semi-sexy cleavage-laden day wear shots smiling like I won the 100 million dollar lottery. And an hour later follow it up with a text to the tone of,”I wish I had something sexy to wear under this to show you.” Thus a bombardment of incoming gift cards quickly fill up My inbox.
The Denial Quickens
I initiate a quick phone call when I know they’re busy (tracking their phones, yes.) “Did you just pass by Whole Foods? Swing by if you have a minute.” Naturally I then leave the house in a gust like a hurricanes’ wind. Thirty minutes later I get a “Where are you?” text message. “Oh, I didn’t hear back from you so I ran out to get the Princess waxed.” I don’t f’n wax! I just wanted to mention My glorious Vagina that they both lived with the denial of for so long. Other than that one time… I wonder if they passed one another on My street?
Just yesterday D caught up with Me though while I was getting My car washed. I was in all red; skin tight dress, red strapped high heels, red lips and fingernails. you know his eyes nearly left their sockets, right? It had been a while after all. I was scented up in lavender essential oil and when he came in for a big, tight, full body hug I whispered in his ear,”I’m wearing your favorite scent on My inner thighs today.”
He was sitting in front of My gate 45 minutes later and texted Me and although he knew I was there, no response for an hour. How well do you know Me now? As he pulled away I text him saying,”I’ve got a quest coming, I’ll call you in the morning.” Besides, S was who I was waiting for and his visit was cut short by some fake vomit I put on the floor and blamed on not-really-sick puppy. This was of course right after I came out of the shower and made a grand re-entrance in a silk thigh-length robe and feathered gold spiked stiletto high heels.
Tease and Denial Is Golden
In sum, whatever happens next and no matter how long this continues, you know the ball is always in My steamy court and dripping wet. But most importantly, there’s an orgasm around every corner for Me when I play with men’s libidos. Besides that, they love Me for it and even you must know that by now. Everyone need a little tease and denial in their life.
Stay thirsty while I stay wet,
Goddess Mya Kulpa
The Femdom, Findom, Femme Fatale of your dreams.
As instructed by you Goddess, I gladly submit and comment on your blog. I feel blessed to have that priviledge and it fills my heart with joy and gratitude. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a clip to finish , can’t wait to fall deeper for you. 🙂
Thank you Goddess Mya Kulpa.