I’m not going to make an actual list, but here’s why My subs love objectification and dehumanization. As a man, you are already associated with so many negative things. Wouldn’t it be nice if only for one moment in your life to not be viewed as a stereotype? To just be, as is with no regard as to what is naturally expected of you through common behavior? Of course it would! What a deep sense of relaxation, freedom, liberation and relief which is usually best brought on through erotic hypnosis.
The Feel Good
Everyone could use a little detachment from the so-called “norm” right now especially. And My objectifying you brings that right to your front door. All of the negative and even positive expectations that bring stress and disappointment go right out the window. your world becomes a dreamlike realm and you’re at peace with what you then ‘aren’t.’
No expectations, no judgments and you simply become what I tell you to be. It requires no thought on your part. An even deeper level of this is when you are made to disassociate completely and forced to be a simple blob on the floor at My feet. Stress and anxiety simply slip away, even all perception of time in some cases.
Abundance Of Benefits of Objectification and Dehumanization
Being objectified allows My subjects to not only serve Me with the purpose I give them but to also temporarily remove any emotional issues plaguing them. If you are familiar with OOBE, out of body experiences, you may find a similar sensation to such. Leaving behind grudges, individuality and daily trials. “It’s quite therapeutic,” is how one of My slaves put it recently.
As it separates you from “self” and your shortcomings, it removes any innate need for controlling every damn thing. you thus become a number or simple object. No one expects a rock or a tree to do much of anything. What a blissful life that must be! When you remove the usual expectations and obligations from yourself you give your conscious mind the break it so desperately needs.
Empty Mirror Objectification and Dehumanization
Getting to the deepest state of dehumanization may not happen instantly but when it does, you’ll know it. Imagine staring in the mirror all day and not feeling eyes staring at you and criticizing you constantly. Humans are often O/our own worst critics thus getting away from this momentarily can be a nice vacation from ‘self.’
The Dehumanization Of You
What would you imagine a puppy thinks about all day long? Eat, sleep, drink, play. Probably something as simple as that. you feel joy when you behave for Me and shame when you disappoint. Not a plethora of sometimes confusing emotions. It’s then easy for some to become another, a better version of themselves. It’s like getting a fresh start or having a clean slate.
My subs love it when I turn them into the current object or being of My affection. I like animals and most times, more than other people for many obvious reasons. Far more grace is given to animals than to people. So it would behoove you to be a soft cute cuddly kitten for Me. Being dehumanized by Me means that I acknowledge your inability to think and make decisions that a person should be able to. And I treat you as such.
The Objectification Of You
Objectification doesn’t require humiliation be involved necessarily. It can be and is often used as a creative outlet. I don’t shame a light bulb for not being bright enough, but if I choose to treat you as a dim bulb I may shame you for it. But that’s My prerogative. If I choose to make you a sexual object, there’s your chance to perform and show off your skills at the end of My strap-on. Now you feel valued as *something* whereas before perhaps no one had ever found value in you as a man let alone a sexual partner.
As a novelty item you may long outlast My interest in who you are as just a male. Becoming whatever it is I want to play with. Or rest My feet upon or simply set things on at the moment might just make Me smile. My pleasure is your pleasure. And I wont lose interest in My personalized plaything as quickly.
you could become a piece of living art in My home. And you can feel everything that you are doing but after a while, you may start to see yourself from an external perspective. Like in mannequin modeling, it’s possible to feel trapped outside of your own body and unable to get back in again. My new sub says it’s mesmerizing and calming at the same time. you can obtain this feeling with some of My femdom audio files also.
Say “Yes,” to objectification and dehumanization now be a pocket watch, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick…
The Goddess Mya Kulpa
Goddess Mya, I want to serve. I yearn for it–your dominance, and yet it terrifies me. Your voice, your body, brilliance, and way all draw me in, but I can’t seem to dive in fully consumed.
Fearfully yours,